Having Value Is A Story

Many of us are on a search to answer a deep question: “What about me makes me valuable?” We may have already noticed that the typical things we are told to obtain (i.e. nice clothes, successful job, nice body, expensive car, etc) don’t actually give us value. So we begin to move our attention to deeper qualities of who we are, to see if we can find true value within ourselves. However, there is no such thing as being valuable. The idea of value is just a story that creates conditions in which we must meet in order to be loved.  Instead, let us love ourselves and each other for no reason, unconditionally, so we can stop searching and start claiming the beauty of who we are already.


The Sleeping Man Is Blessed

“What would a man buried alive do?

Try with all his strength to breathe the sun again, of course.

Your hands, your feet, your eyes, your every word and thought, there is not one waking second the soul pounding against the cage of the body does not want God to rush into its lungs

The sleeping man is blessed with a faith that is not active.

Faith as it ripens turns into an almost insatiable appetite, and the awake lion must prowl for God in places it once feared.”

-St John

See If They Wet Their Pants

“The words Guru, Swami, Super Swami, Master, Teacher, Murshid, Yogi, Priest,

Most of those sporting such a title are just peacocks.

The litmus test is: hold them upside down over a cliff for a few hours.

If they don’t wet their pants, maybe you found a real one.”

–   Kabir